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吃什么食物对眼睛好 想要保护眼睛就赶快收藏

发布时间:2020-12-25 15:43:57    浏览次数:977   文章来源:原创


Many people are short-sighted because they are staring at the computer for a long time. What should we eat to protect our eyes in our life? Now let's have a look with Xiaobian.

吃什么食物对眼睛好 想要保护眼睛就赶快收藏

油菜、青菜、芥菜、卷心菜、萝卜等富含抗氧化活性物质的十字花科蔬菜。不仅是人们餐桌上常见的可口菜肴,而且还具有防辐射损伤的功能。 新鲜蔬菜是人体内的“清洁剂”,其奥妙在于蔬菜拥有“秘密武器” ——碱性成分,可使血液呈碱性,溶解沉淀于细胞内的毒素,使之随尿液排泄掉。

Brassica napus, Brassica oleracea, Brassica juncea, radish and other cruciferous vegetables are rich in antioxidant activity. It is not only a common delicious dish on people's table, but also has the function of radiation protection. Fresh vegetables are "cleansers" in the human body. The secret lies in the fact that vegetables possess "secret weapon" - alkaline ingredients, which can make the blood alkaline, dissolve the toxins precipitated in cells, and excrete them with urine.

吃什么食物对眼睛好 想要保护眼睛就赶快收藏

猪血、黑木耳等等富含排毒功能的食物。猪血的血浆蛋白丰富,血浆蛋白经消化酶分解后,可与进入人体的粉尘、有害含辐射的金属微粒发生反应,变成难以溶解的新物质沉淀下来,然后排出体外。黑木耳的最大优势在于可以帮助排出纤维素物质,使这些有害纤维在体内难以 立足。这一类的食物可以帮助我们把体内的有害物质排出体外,不给辐射物质留下丝毫立足空间。

Pig blood, black fungus and other food rich in detoxification function. Pig blood is rich in plasma protein. After digested by digestive enzymes, plasma protein can react with dust and harmful metal particles containing radiation entering the human body, and become insoluble new substances to precipitate and then be discharged from the body. The biggest advantage of Auricularia auricula is that it can help to excrete cellulose substances, making these harmful fibers difficult to stand in the body. This kind of food can help us get rid of harmful substances in our body, leaving no room for radiation.

吃什么食物对眼睛好 想要保护眼睛就赶快收藏


Students and office workers can drink wolfberry tea, which is also good for our eyes. We can collect these foods!

Tags: 健康饮食
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