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一日三餐怎么吃最健康 这样吃身体倍棒

发布时间:2020-12-24 15:13:43    浏览次数:823   文章来源:原创


Everyone now attaches great importance to their usual diet, so today Xiaobian will teach you how to eat in the usual three meals a day? If you want to know, you can have a look!

一日三餐怎么吃最健康 这样吃身体倍棒

1. 控制总能量,维持理想体重,超过正常标准体重者逐渐减重。结合每个人的身高、体重、体力活动情况确定合适的饮食量。40岁以上者尤应预防发胖。正常体重的简单计算法为:BMI=kg(体重)/㎡(身高的平方) ,一般以19~24为正常范围,大于25超重,大于28肥胖。

1. Control the total energy, maintain the ideal weight, and gradually lose weight if the weight exceeds the normal standard weight. According to the height, weight and physical activity of each person, the appropriate diet was determined. People over 40 should be prevented from getting fat. The simple calculation method of normal weight is: BMI = kg (weight) / m2 (square of height), generally 19 ~ 24 as the normal range, more than 25 overweight, more than 28 obese.

一日三餐怎么吃最健康 这样吃身体倍棒

2. 适量主食:每日5~8两,米面为主,每日粗杂粮占主食的1/3。

Appropriate staple food: 5 ~ 8 Liang per day, mainly rice and flour, and 1 / 3 of the staple food is coarse grains

一日三餐怎么吃最健康 这样吃身体倍棒

3. 多食蔬菜:平时大家可以多吃一点水果蔬菜,这样对我们的身体也是很有好处的,所以为了我们的身体健康大家可以收藏起来哦!

Eat more vegetables: usually we can eat more fruits and vegetables, which is good for our health, so we can collect them for our health!

Tags: 健康饮食
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