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发布时间:2020-12-21 21:58:14    浏览次数:4496   文章来源:原创


People may rarely eat chives with tofu. In fact, this dish is not only delicious, but also rich in nutritional value. So today, I'd like to give you a simple explanation of the specific steps of cooking tofu with leek.




1.准备好的主要食材,韭菜洗干净,水豆腐冲洗一下。韭菜要切成段,可按照个人的喜好来切。豆腐特别的细腻的那种,如果是农家水豆腐也可以。热油葱花爆锅,爆出香味即可。可以炒豆腐拉,豆腐下锅翻炒注意粘锅不要炒碎了。 Prepare the main ingredients, leek wash clean, water tofu rinse. Leek to cut into sections, according to personal preferences to cut. Bean curd is a kind of special delicate, if it is farmhouse water tofu, it can also be. Stir fry scallion with hot oil until fragrant. Can be fried tofu pull, tofu under the pot stir fry, pay attention to stick to the pot, do not fry broken. 2.可以炒韭菜了,翻炒韭菜,韭菜熟的很快的,要快点翻炒。韭菜已经炒蔫了,加盐出锅咯。 Can fry leek, stir fry leek, leek cooked quickly, to quickly stir fry. The leek has been fried wilting, add salt to the pot. 3.关于制作韭菜烧豆腐的方法小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,是不是看完小编的制作步骤后已经迫不及待的要去做了呢?赶紧尝试一下吧。 About the method of making chives and tofu, I'll give you a brief introduction here. Can't you wait to do it after reading the making steps of Xiaobian? Give it a try.
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