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发布时间:2021-01-06 17:27:17    浏览次数:1664   文章来源:原创


There are many ways to make tofu, and the taste of each way is delicious. Today, I'd like to introduce the home style tofu. The home style tofu is delicious. Let's have a look.




1.豆腐切块,中小火煎至两面金黄,盛出,姜、蒜切末,小米辣切末。葱白与绿葱切末分开放。 Saute the bean curd with minced ginger and garlic on both sides over low heat. Cut the scallion white and green. 2.调调味汁:三勺生抽,一勺蚝油,一勺醋,一小勺白糖。,用底油将葱白,蒜末,姜末和小米辣爆香。 Seasoning: 3 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tbsp sugar. Saute scallion, garlic, ginger and millet with base oil. 3.豆腐家常菜做法超好吃,按照上面的做法绝对让你吃了还想吃,这种做法也是非常简单的,相信大家也是能很快的就学会吧,赶紧学起来吧。 Tofu home cooked dishes are super delicious. According to the above practice, you will definitely want to eat. This practice is also very simple. I believe you can learn it soon. Learn it quickly.
Tags: 豆腐
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