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补血补气吃什么最好 这几种赶快收藏起来

发布时间:2020-12-19 15:36:45    浏览次数:1015   文章来源:原创


Many women will have some anemia, but we will not care too much, but Xiaobian wants to tell you that anemia must be taken seriously. Today, Xiaobian will introduce several kinds of food to help us replenish qi and blood.

补血补气吃什么最好 这几种赶快收藏起来


Every autumn, many people will specially eat some mulberry. Mulberry not only has a better kidney tonic effect, but also contains rich iron elements. In addition to eating fresh mulberry, women can also drink dried mulberry porridge. It is better to drink a bowl of mulberry every day, which can not only tonify blood, but also have the effect of beauty.

补血补气吃什么最好 这几种赶快收藏起来


Lycium barbarum hematopoietic function is actually very strong, but also can reduce the damage of immunosuppressants on the hematopoietic system to a certain extent. Weak women can use medlar to make tea every day, and some wolfberry can be added when cooking porridge.

补血补气吃什么最好 这几种赶快收藏起来


Jujube is one of the well deserved blood tonic foods. I believe that many people will often eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, which is a very wise method. So we can collect the food we talked about today!

Tags: 药膳
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