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发布时间:2020-12-22 21:45:44    浏览次数:4351   文章来源:原创


Kelp head stewed small crispy bone steak is a delicious food that many people like, and many people think that the process of making this dish will be more troublesome, so today, Xiaobian will tell you how to make it.




1.小脆骨排750克,海带头300克,蒜苗几根,盐,生抽,老抽,料酒,葱,姜,蒜,白糖做法:1、海带头提前泡一天一夜,清洗干净。小脆骨排清洗干净;2、锅中放水,放入葱断、姜片和料酒,放排骨焯水,捞出淋干水分备用;3、炒锅中放油,油热后放入八角,花椒,和葱、姜、蒜爆香; Small crispy bone row 750 grams, kelp head 300 grams, several garlic sprouts, salt, soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, onion, ginger, garlic, sugar practice: 1, kelp head soak a day and night in advance, clean up. Clean the small crispy ribs; 2. Put water in the pan, add chopped green onion, ginger slices and cooking wine, blanch the spareribs, and drain the dried water for standby; 3. Put oil in the frying pan, add star anise, Zanthoxylum, and onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant; 2.放入小脆骨排翻炒;5、放入生抽、老抽、料酒和少许白糖翻炒;6、加入海带头翻炒;7、加入没过食材的开水。大火炖开后转中小火慢慢炖制;8、约两小时,汁也收得差不多时,放盐调味。如果汁还比较多,可以开大火收汁;9、加入蒜苗点缀下即可出锅了。 Stir fry small crispy ribs; 5. Stir fry with soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine and a little sugar; 6. Stir fry with kelp head; 7. Add boiling water without food ingredients. 8. About two hours, when the juice is almost finished, add salt to seasoning. If the juice is still more, you can open the fire to collect the juice; 9. Add garlic sprouts to decorate the pot. 3.关于制作海带头炖小脆骨排的具体步骤小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,其实这道菜整体来说还是比较简单的,大家喜欢的话可以收藏起来哦! As for the specific steps of making kelp head stewed small crispy bone steak, I'll give you a brief introduction here. In fact, this dish is relatively simple on the whole, and you can collect it if you like!
Tags: 猪肉
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