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发布时间:2020-12-23 16:09:00    浏览次数:4069   文章来源:原创


Everyone will like to eat grilled mutton. This dish is really popular with many fairies. Today, Xiaobian will tell you how to make roast lamb. Let's have a look.




1.取肥羊肉切大块约五至七斤重,上铁叉,用碳火烤熟,烤时不断翻动;好的羊肉无需很多调料,只需盐一味即可; Cut fat mutton into large pieces, about 5-7kg in weight, put on an iron fork, cook it with carbon fire, and turn it constantly when roasting; good mutton does not need much seasoning, just a taste of salt; 2.吃时片成片,佐以甜面酱,葱丝,瓜条,夹烧饼吃甚佳。 When eating, slice into slices, with sweet flour sauce, shredded green onion, melon sticks and pancakes, it's very good. 3.清烤羊肉制作起来是不是非常简单,而且味道又很好,大家可以快速get起来哦! Isn't it very simple to make the mutton, and it tastes good. You can get it quickly!
Tags: 羊肉
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