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发布时间:2020-12-24 18:16:13    浏览次数:1327   文章来源:原创


About the specific steps of making homemade chicken and rice flower, Xiaobian has told you, is it very simple, you can not order takeout after learning it




1.将土豆去皮,蒸熟,做成土豆泥,盛入盘中炒锅烧热,倒入植物油烧至六七成热,放入肉末、葱花炒香 Peel the potatoes and steam them to make mashed potatoes. Heat them in a frying pan. Add vegetable oil to heat. Add minced meat and scallion to stir fry 2.加入盐、白糖、老抽、黄酱炸成酱,用水淀粉勾芡做好的酱浇在土豆泥上,撒上红、绿椒末和香菜末即可 Add salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce, deep fried sauce, starch thicken the paste, pour the paste on the mashed potatoes, sprinkle with red, green pepper and coriander 3.关于制作风味土豆泥的具体步骤小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,是不是很简单呢?大家喜欢的话就收藏起来吧。 About the specific steps of making flavor mashed potatoes, I'll give you a brief introduction. Isn't it very simple? If you like it, you can collect it.
Tags: 土豆
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