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发布时间:2020-12-24 18:26:45    浏览次数:1302   文章来源:原创


Sweet and sour eggplant, you should also be able to do it, this dish is very popular, so today Xiaobian will teach you a unique secret, now let's see how to make it.




1.准备好茄子,洗干净,去掉蒂把。然后切成滚刀状,也不需要切的太大或者太小。把大蒜切碎,拿一个碗放半勺糖,2勺醋,半匀锅里放一点油烧热,把茄子放锅里翻炒。 Prepare the eggplant, wash it and remove the handle. Then cut it into a hob shape without cutting too big or too small. Chop up the garlic, take a bowl, put half a teaspoon sugar, 2 teaspoons vinegar, half evenly, put a little oil in the pot, heat, put eggplant in the pot stir fry. 2.放点盐后一直把茄子炒蔫吧即可。然后把茄子拔一边,放油放大蒜一起翻炒。炒出大蒜香味后放糖醋汁继续翻炒后起锅,装盘,这样好吃糖醋茄子就做好了。 Add some salt and stir fry the eggplant all the time. Then pull the eggplant aside, add oil and garlic and stir fry. Stir fry garlic flavor, put sweet and sour juice, continue to stir fry after the pot, plate, so delicious sweet and sour eggplant is ready. 3.关于制作糖醋茄子的方法小编已经详细的告诉大家了哦,其实这道菜的制作过程很简单,大家可以收藏起来哦! About the method of making sweet and sour eggplant, Xiaobian has told you in detail. In fact, the production process of this dish is very simple, you can collect it!
Tags: 茄子
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