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发布时间:2020-12-25 15:28:50    浏览次数:1476   文章来源:原创


I believe that today's young people like to keep fit, especially like to stew some nutritious soup at home. Today Xiaobian brings you a delicious corn spareribs soup. Let's have a look.




1.1、准备好红枣、枸杞,将玉米、胡萝卜切好、洗净。2、排骨切块、清洗干净。 1. Prepare red dates and medlar, cut corn and carrots and wash them. 2. Cut and clean the ribs. 2.3、将准备好的,排骨、玉米、红萝卜、红枣、枸杞放入锅中。滴入2滴醋,起火炖30分钟左右。4、最后出锅前加入盐、2到3滴火麻油调味即可。 Put the prepared spareribs, corn, carrot, jujube and medlar into the pot. Add 2 drops of vinegar and simmer for 30 minutes. 4. Finally, add salt and 2 to 3 drops of sesame oil to taste before leaving the pot. 3.这道汤的制作步骤非常的简单,而且营养价值也是很高的,大家可以自己在家里试着做一做哦! The process of making this soup is very simple, and the nutritional value is also very high. You can try to make it at home!
Tags: 排骨
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