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发布时间:2021-01-01 22:28:48    浏览次数:1674   文章来源:原创


Xiaobian believes that many of his friends are very fascinated by food. Today, Xiaobian will tell you about a delicious spicy sea bass. Let's take a look at the specific steps.




1.放入火锅红油一块,麻辣鱼调料2勺,姜蒜片干辣椒3-4个。加入适量水。放入鱼。然后放入金针菇豆腐。 Add a piece of hot pot red oil, 2 teaspoons spicy fish seasoning, 3-4 pieces of ginger and garlic, and dried pepper. Add appropriate amount of water. Put in the fish. Then add the Flammulina velutipes tofu. 2.放入乌冬面。放虾滑。最后放娃娃菜。煮5-6分钟加入适量盐和味精。出锅铺上香菜和葱花。热菜油。放入干辣椒和花椒。淋上即可。 Add udon noodles. Let's slide the shrimp. Finally, put the baby cabbage. Cook for 5-6 minutes, add salt and MSG. Put coriander and scallion in the pot. Hot vegetable oil. Add the dried pepper and Chinese prickly ash. Just pour it on. 3.好吃的水煮麻辣鲈鱼就这样制作完成了,大家看了小编的讲解之后是不是觉得非常的简单呢?那么小编就给大家简单的说到这里了哦! The delicious boiled spicy bass is finished in this way. After reading Xiaobian's explanation, do you think it's very simple? So Xiaobian will give you a simple talk here!
Tags: 鲫鱼
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