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发布时间:2021-01-01 22:53:30    浏览次数:1908   文章来源:原创


In life, many people are looking for delicious food, which can bring us a lot of happiness and comfort in a tired day. So today I'll teach you how to make fried chicken leg with garlic.




1.自制风干腊鸡腿,斩块。放锅中加少量清水煮五分钟。水煮干后加一勺食用油爆炒片刻。加一小勺花椒粉。少许酱油翻炒至上色。然后先将蒜苗梗子放锅中翻炒至断生。 Homemade air dried chicken leg, cut into pieces. Add a little water and cook for 5 minutes. Add 1 spoonful of cooking oil and stir fry for a while. Add a small spoonful of pepper powder. Stir fry a little soy sauce. Then stir fry the garlic stems in a pot until they are broken. 2.再放蒜苗叶,加一匙豆豉辣酱。继续翻炒均匀,蒜苗叶子变软即可。蒜香咸鲜的腊鸡腿是过年招待客人的一道开胃下饭的下酒菜哟。 Add garlic leaves and a spoonful of Douchi sauce. Continue to stir fry until the garlic leaves soften. The pickled chicken leg with garlic flavor is an appetizer for Chinese New Year guests. 3.关于蒜苗炒腊鸡腿的具体制作方法小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,是不是非常的简单呢?大家赶快收藏起来吧。 As for the specific production method of fried chicken leg with garlic sprouts, I'll give you a brief introduction. Isn't it very simple? Let's collect it quickly.
Tags: 鸡肉
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