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发布时间:2020-12-24 18:30:12    浏览次数:1646   文章来源:原创


Everyone has eaten it. Is it delicious? So today, I'd like to give you a brief introduction about how to make pepper chicken. Let's have a look at it.




1.1、葱花香菜各5克2、鸡腿1根,冷水入锅,焯水去腥去血沫3、将鸡腿倒入水中,再放入八角1个,姜片1个,料酒5克,大火煮沸转中火煮30分钟 5 grams of scallion and coriander, 1 chicken leg, cold water into the pot, blanch the water to remove the fishy smell and blood foam. 3. Pour the chicken leg into the water, and then add 1 star anise, 1 ginger, 5g cooking wine, boil over high heat to medium heat for 30 minutes 2.4、加入盐2克,花椒粉3克,搅拌均匀,大火煮沸5、将煮好的花椒水倒入处理好的鸡腿中,撒葱花香菜,小米椒适量即可 Add 2 grams of salt, 3 grams of pepper powder, stir well, bring to a boil over high fire. 5. Pour the boiled pepper water into the chicken leg, sprinkle with green onion, coriander and millet pepper 3.关于制作椒麻鸡的方法小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,其实这道菜真的很不赖,大家可以去尝试一下哦! About the method of making pepper chicken, Xiaobian will give you a simple talk here, in fact, this dish is really good, you can try it!
Tags: 鸡肉
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