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发布时间:2021-01-14 21:08:31    浏览次数:2156   文章来源:原创


The method of poached eggs is also very simple. People who don't know how to cook can also fry poached eggs well, but it's necessary to work hard to make delicious poached eggs. Learn the method of delicious sweet and sour poached eggs quickly.



1.准备好鸡蛋,葱蒜切好备用。调酱汁:碗底半碗清水加两勺生抽➕两勺香醋➕半勺盐➕一勺白糖➕一勺蚝油➕一勺番茄酱➕一勺淀粉,搅拌均匀备用。 Prepare eggs, cut onion and garlic and set aside. Sauce: half a bowl of water at the bottom of the bowl with two spoonfuls of soy sauce A kind of Two teaspoons vinegar A kind of Half a spoonful of salt A kind of A spoonful of sugar A kind of A spoonful of oyster sauce A kind of A spoonful of ketchup A kind of A spoonful of starch, stir well and set aside. 2.热锅入油,打入鸡蛋,小火煎制定型两面金黄盛出备用。锅留底油,下入葱蒜炒香,倒入调好的酱汁,大火煮开放入煎好的鸡蛋,小火煮至汤汁浓稠,撒上葱花出锅即可。拌饭也很好吃的。 Heat the oil in the pan, beat in the eggs, fry over low heat, golden on both sides, set aside. Leave the bottom oil in the pan, stir fry the onion and garlic until fragrant, pour in the sauce, boil over high heat, add the fried eggs, cook over low heat until the soup is thick, sprinkle with the onion, and remove from the pan. Bibimbap is also delicious. 3.好吃的糖醋荷包蛋做法,大家学会了吗,这道菜对于小白新手来说,这道菜还是很简单就能学会的呀。可以去尝试尝试。很容易就做出一道美味的糖醋荷包蛋呀。 Delicious sweet and sour poached egg method, we learned it, this dish for novice white, this dish is still very simple to learn it. You can try. It's easy to make a delicious sweet and sour poached egg.
Tags: 鸡蛋
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