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吃什么可以变白皮肤 这样吃保证让皮肤变白

发布时间:2020-12-21 14:20:41    浏览次数:1066   文章来源:原创


I believe that everyone is trying their best to whiten. In fact, there are many ways to whiten. But today, I'm going to teach you how to eat healthy food to whiten. Let's take a look at the foods

吃什么可以变白皮肤 这样吃保证让皮肤变白


Fruit and vegetable whitening tea material: 9 strawberries, 5g mulberry peel powder, 1 apple, 15g honey, a little spinach, 2 pieces of lemon slices, and appropriate amount of ice. Practice: first, the strawberries, apples, spinach washed, put into the juicer, beat into juice, filter residue juice, add 200 ml water diluted. Pour the juice into the pan, add honey, and cook over low heat until boiling. Turn off the heat. Add mulberry peel powder and soak for 5 minutes. Pour into the tea maker, add lemon slices, and add a small amount of ice when drinking.

吃什么可以变白皮肤 这样吃保证让皮肤变白


Fragrant beauty tea material: Chamomile, apple flower, wolfberry fruit each 3 grams, lemon 1 piece. Method: the chamomile and apple flower are crushed and put into the gauze bag together with the wolfberry fruit to make a tea bag. Put the tea bag into the cup, pour in the boiling water, soak for 3-5 minutes, let it fully soak out the flavor. Then squeeze the lemon juice into the cup, and finally soak the whole piece of lemon into the cup. Add 300 ml boiling water repeatedly until the taste is light.

吃什么可以变白皮肤 这样吃保证让皮肤变白


Jasmine skin tea can also effectively help our skin whiten, so you can collect the three kinds of tea introduced in the above small series. If you want to whiten, you can eat it for a long time!

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