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肠胃不好吃什么食物 调养肠胃应该这样吃

发布时间:2020-12-22 21:38:03    浏览次数:854   文章来源:原创


Many people will have gastrointestinal problems, which is a common problem of many young people, so what should we eat when we have a bad stomach? Now let's have a look with 

肠胃不好吃什么食物 调养肠胃应该这样吃


Baked steamed bread can nourish the stomach. Try it as a staple food. Bread, steamed bread and other staple foods are carbohydrates. If you eat them like this, you will often stimulate the secretion of gastric acid and aggravate pantothenic acid. However, if you bake the bread and steamed bread before eating, you can play the role of "nourishing the stomach". This is because a layer of gelatinization will be formed on the burnt bread and steamed bread slices, which can neutralize gastric acid, inhibit gastric acid secretion and protect gastric mucosa. This is an ancient dietotherapy method, mainly suitable for patients with chronic superficial gastritis, also suitable for most people with gastrointestinal problems.

肠胃不好吃什么食物 调养肠胃应该这样吃


The main food is noodles. Noodles are rich in carbohydrates, can provide enough energy, and will absorb a lot of water in the process of cooking. After 100 grams of noodles are cooked, they will become about 400 grams, so they can produce a strong sense of fullness. In addition, noodles can stimulate people's thinking activities. The human brain and nervous system need a kind of food with carbohydrate accounting for 50%. Noodles are the food needed by human brain. Durum wheat contains B vitamins, which stimulate brain cells.

肠胃不好吃什么食物 调养肠胃应该这样吃


Baked sweet potato is very popular in winter. We all like to eat sweet potato in winter because it is warm and can help digestion!

Tags: 健康饮食
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