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发布时间:2021-01-03 22:30:21    浏览次数:1726   文章来源:原创


When winter comes, we all like to drink some warm soup. Today Xiaobian will teach you how to make a good carrot, horseshoe and mutton soup. Let's have a look at the specific production process with Xiaobian.




1.羊腿肉飞水。材料如下。胡萝卜切滚刀,马蹄一分二。淮山去皮浸水。锅子烧热爆香羊肉。 Leg of mutton flying in the water. The materials are as follows. Carrot cutter hob, horseshoe 1 / 2. Huaishan peeled and soaked. Heat the pot and saute the mutton. 2.加入适量清水,撇去浮末。加入胡萝卜马蹄,煮45分钟。加入胡萝卜马蹄,煮45分钟。加入葱花和香菜末,调味即可。 Add appropriate amount of water and skim the floating particles. Add carrot and horseshoe and cook for 45 minutes. Add carrot and horseshoe and cook for 45 minutes. Add scallion and coriander to taste. 3.关于制作胡萝卜马蹄羊肉汤的制作方法小编已经告诉大家了哦,这个是不是非常的简单呢?喜欢的小伙伴可以收藏起来哦! I've already told you how to make carrot and horseshoe mutton soup. Isn't this very simple? Like the small partner can collect up Oh!
Tags: 羊肉
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