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发布时间:2020-12-22 21:41:36    浏览次数:4951   文章来源:原创


The method of making cherry blossom shrimp fried rice is very simple. You may not eat it often in your life. Today, I'd like to tell you how to make cherry shrimp fried rice. Let's have a look.




1.樱花虾10克、鸡蛋1个、洋葱、鲜香菇、胡萝卜、芦笋、香葱、蒜头适量、生抽、盐、胡椒粉适量。 1、冷饭捣松,洋葱、蒜头切碎,鲜香菇、胡萝卜、芦笋分别切小丁,香葱切成葱花备用; 2、炒锅放入油烧热,先后下洋葱和蒜头末炒出香味,敲入鸡蛋; Cherry shrimp 10g, 1 egg, onion, fresh mushrooms, carrots, asparagus, chives, garlic, soy sauce, salt, pepper. 1. 2. Heat the frying pan with oil, fry the onion and garlic successively, and knock in the egg; 2. 3、倒入米饭,大火快速划散,炒至鸡蛋凝结;4、倒入香菇炒熟,加入生抽、盐、胡椒粉调味;5、加入胡萝卜、芦笋翻炒几下,最后下樱花虾和葱花;6、快速翻炒至饭粒在可以锅中跳跃即可。 Pour in rice, stir fry until eggs congealed; 4. Stir fry mushrooms until cooked, add soy sauce, salt, pepper seasoning; 5, add carrots, asparagus, stir fry for a few times, finally add cherry shrimp and scallion; 6, stir fry until the rice grains jump in the pot. 3.关于制作樱花虾炒饭的方法小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,相信你学会后家里的小孩会吃两碗米饭哦! About the method of making cherry blossom shrimp fried rice, I'll give you a brief introduction here. I believe that after you learn, the children at home will eat two bowls of rice!
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