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发布时间:2021-01-12 21:20:42    浏览次数:1835   文章来源:原创


Sweet and sour fish must be loved by everyone. This kind of sweet and sour fish will make the fish taste more delicious. It's also a very common home dish. What's the home practice of sweet and sour fish? Let's have a look together. Don't miss it.




1.鱼开膛去鳞,洗净,斜切花刀,切的深一点,但不要切断,放入姜片,料酒腌制去腥20分钟,20分钟后,沥干水分,均匀的涂抹一层淀粉,起锅烧油70度油温,用勺子浇鱼的两面定型, 然后放入油锅炸。 After 20 minutes, drain the water, evenly spread a layer of starch, heat the oil to 70 ℃, water both sides of the fish with a spoon, and then fry it in an oil pan. 2.制作酱汁:番茄酱2勺,糖30克,醋1勺,盐5克水50克放入锅中熬至浓稠,炸好的鱼放入锅,用勺子浇汁,装盘。 Make sauce: tomato sauce 2 spoons, sugar 30 grams, vinegar 1 spoon, salt 5 grams, water 50 grams into the pot boil until thick, fried fish into the pot, with a spoon juice, plate. 3.糖醋鱼的家常做法是什么,上面那个可是秘制酱汁,大家可以去调一下,这样糖醋鱼的味道会很绝的,入口即化的鱼肉,大家可以去试试做这道菜,赶紧get起来吧。 What's the home-made method of sweet and sour fish? The sauce above is a secret sauce. You can adjust it so that the taste of sweet and sour fish will be excellent. You can try to make this dish and get it quickly.
Tags: 糖醋鱼


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