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发布时间:2021-01-01 22:17:16    浏览次数:1623   文章来源:原创


You may not have heard much about stewed chicken with bamboo shoots. In fact, this dish is very famous. Today, Xiaobian brings his tutorial to tell you how to make stewed chicken with bamboo shoots. Let's have a look.




1.把鸡腿剁成块,放入锅里煎。升中大火,煎至浅金黄色以定型避免流血水,出锅。倒掉罐头笋的水,倒入锅,升中大火煸至水干为止,出锅备用。锅放底油,开大火,放姜片和冬菇,爆香。 Chop the chicken into pieces and fry them. Raise the heat, fry until light golden to set shape, avoid bleeding water, out of the pot. Pour the water out of the canned bamboo shoots, pour it into the pot, stir over medium high heat until the water is dry, and set aside. Put the bottom oil in the pan, bring to a boil, add ginger slices and mushrooms, and saute until fragrant. 2.倒入鸡腿、竹笋,翻炒片刻,烹入生抽2大勺、酱油膏1大满勺、蚝油1大满勺、胡椒粉1/2小勺、红糖粉2大勺、老抽1/2大勺、白兰地1大勺,加清水齐平鸡腿竹笋的面上。盖好锅盖,改中小火,焖约15分钟。时间到后试味,感觉味够后大火收汁至浓稠,出锅。 Pour in chicken legs and bamboo shoots, stir fry for a while, cook in 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp soy sauce paste, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 / 2 tbsp pepper powder, 2 tbsp brown sugar powder, 1 / 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp brandy, add water to smooth the surface of chicken legs and bamboo shoots. Cover the pan well, change to medium low heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. When the time is up, try the flavor. When you feel it's enough, put the juice in high heat until it's thick, and then put it out of the pot. 3.其实这道菜真的制作起来非常的简单,那么屏幕前的你还在等待什么呢,赶快收藏起来做给家里的小孩子吃吧。 In fact, this dish is very simple to make, so what are you waiting for in front of the screen? Quickly collect it for the children at home.
Tags: 鸡肉
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