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发布时间:2020-12-21 21:41:32    浏览次数:4242   文章来源:原创


You may not be familiar with this dish of fried mushrooms with eggs. In fact, the taste of this dish is really good. Today, I'll teach you how to make fried mushrooms with eggs. Let's take a look at the specific steps.




1.准备食材:香菇150克、鸡蛋2个、小葱1根、盐半勺、鸡精半勺。香菇洗净切片。小葱切葱花。鸡蛋打入碗中,放入盐1克搅拌均匀。 Ingredients: 150g mushrooms, 2 eggs, 1 spring onion, half a spoon of salt and half a spoon of chicken essence. Wash and slice mushrooms. Cut scallion into scallion. Beat the eggs into a bowl, add 1 g salt and stir well. 2.锅中放入适量清水大火烧开,放入几滴食用油,放入香菇片煮1分钟,捞出备用。锅中放入适量油,油温烧至6成热,倒入蛋液,待蛋液凝固后滑散。倒入香菇片翻炒均匀。放入盐半勺、鸡精半勺翻炒均匀,出锅撒上葱花即可。 Put proper amount of water into the pot, bring to a boil, add a few drops of cooking oil, add mushrooms slices, boil for 1 minute, remove and set aside. Add proper amount of oil into the pan, heat the oil to 60% heat, pour in the egg liquid, and let the egg liquid solidify and disperse. Pour in mushrooms and stir fry well. Add half a spoon of salt and half a teaspoon of chicken essence, stir fry evenly, and sprinkle with scallion. 3.其实这道菜的制作方法还有步骤很简单,但是别看它简单几步就搞定,味道真的不是盖的哦! In fact, there are still some simple steps to make this dish. However, it can be done in a few steps. The taste is not covered!
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